You may have noticed your cat sneezing occasionally. Maybe you wondered what might be causing the sneezing. The good news is that in most cases a sneeze is just that, a sneeze. However, in some cases it can be a symptom of a worse problem. Find out the reasons your cat is sneezing by reading our animal hospital’s article below. Causes of Sneezing in Cats The cause of a cat sneeze can be as simple as a speck of dust causing a tickle, and as serious as cancer. If your cat is only sneezing and doesn’t have any other symptoms,
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Pancreatitis In Dogs: Signs to Watch For
Are you worried about your dog’s risk of pancreatitis? Whether you are or not, read our animal hospital‘s article to learn more about pancreatitis and the symptoms to look out for. What is Pancreatitis in Dogs? Pancreatitis is a disease that affects the pancreas in animals. The pancreas is an important organ, and is found in the abdominal cavity. The pancreas produces some of the enzymes that a body uses to digest food. In dogs specifically, pancreatitis is an inflammatory disease. The pancreas becomes inflamed causing pain, loss of appetite, and vomiting. Pancreatitis is a common health problem in dogs,
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Can Dogs Get Dementia?
Have you ever wondered if a dog can get dementia? Some dogs can and will get dementia, also known as Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome (CDS), but not all dogs will get it. Symptoms of Dementia in Dogs Symptoms can be varied amongst breeds and dogs. The most common symptoms are: Confusion Bursts of aggression Unexplained aggression Forgetfulness Constant whining Sniffing around Fatigue Weight Loss Slower movement Changes in personality Disorientation Changes in their interactions with people and other animals Anxiety If your dog shows any of these signs combined with any others, you can call your vet and ask them to
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