Are you thinking about getting koi fish to keep in a koi pond outdoors? If so, it’s important to be aware that this type of fish care is different from aquarium fish care. You’ll need to brush up on your koi pond knowledge to be sure you provide your fish with the best and safest environment.
In the article below, our veterinarians will show you a few tips to help you get started caring for your koi pond fish. Remember that there’s always more to learn, however, and that you should do more research into any topic that seems confusing to you regarding your koi pond.

Tips for Getting Your Koi Pond Started
Introduce your Fish Slowly
When you have your pond set up and ready to go, you’ll need to carefully and slowly introduce your fish. First, you’ll need to quarantine them in a separate tank for several weeks so you can watch them for any signs of illness.
When the time comes to let them into the pond, acclimate them by floating them in a bag for a while in the pond. This will allow the water inside the bag to come to the same temperature as the water in the pond, which then makes it easier and safer to transfer the fish to the pond.
Use a Pump and Filter
You will need a good quality pond pump and a pond filter to keep the water clean and fresh for your fish. With the right setup, your water quality will remain perfect for your fish throughout the year.
Pumps and filters are required for a koi pond. Fish will not survive for very long in a koi pond that isn’t monitored closely and doesn’t have the right filtration system set up.
Check Your Water Quality
Frequently test your water quality and make adjustments as needed to ensure your fish are in the right environment for their needs. Ideally, your pond should have zero nitrites, ammonia, iron, copper, zinc, or lead and should have less than 20ppm nitrates.
Your water’s oxygen level should measure between 6 and 9 mg/L, and the pH of your water should measure between 7 and 8.5. If any of these numbers are thrown off, you’ll need to take care to get the pond water back to the correct measurements for the health and safety of your fish. You may also have to do a water change depending on the problem.
Remove Debris Often
Debris will naturally build up on the surface of the koi pond. You’ll need to use a pool skimmer to remove this debris throughout the year. You’ll also need to check the filter frequently and remove debris and buildup that is present in the filter media.
You may choose to use a mechanical skimmer for the top of the water. If so, be sure you choose one that won’t affect your fish. Also make sure to remove dead plants from in and around the water as soon as you notice them, as they could contribute to incorrect water quality measurements.
Prepare for Bad Weather
Get ready for bad weather ahead of time. Koi will hibernate in temperatures lower than 50 degrees Fahrenheit, so it’s safe to leave your fish in the pond throughout the winter. However, you’ll need to get ready for the chance of ice on your pond, and plan to melt it gently with hot water when it starts to build up.
Do not run your pumps or filters during below-freezing temperatures, as they may freeze and become damaged. Additionally, if you expect storm-related flooding, remove some of the water from the pond beforehand to prevent the fish from being washed out of it.
Feed High-Quality Food
Always choose a high-quality food for your fish. Make sure you pick one that contains plenty of healthy protein so your fish will be able to grow large and look as vibrant as possible. The better the food you give your fish, the more colorful they will become!
Always try to feed your fish from the same location in the water every day so they will know when it’s time to be fed. Don’t feed them near the filter, as this could cause their food to be filtered out of the water before they finish eating.
We Offer Koi Fish Care at Our Callaway, MD, Animal Hospital
With the help of this information, you should be ready to get started with your koi pond in no time. Don’t be afraid to reach out to local koi pond hobbyist groups or discuss online if you need more information or guidance, and remember that your koi pond is a living environment that requires your frequent attention.
Keeping a koi pond is not easy, but it is very rewarding. With the right planning and care, you can keep your koi pond looking great and be sure your fish remain healthy as well.
If you have any questions or if your koi fish is in need of veterinary care, give our Callaway, MD, animal hospital a call at (301) 994-9919.